Tuesday 25 August 2015


                                                 The power of a woman
Looking at the lioness, I was like wow....it dawned on me that the lioness is the woman while the lion is the man.
Yet she is the one that goes hunting, and brings home for the lazy lion.
She is fierce, precise,tricky and highly cautious...
Little wonder why the bible advice that young men should flee from her.
Also little questions why in India, the women marry the men instead of the other way round .
The woman is a symbol of power.
  • The inverted cone(the chalice)
  • #sang-real
  • Able to resist anything
  • Multiple communication line
Only that majority of her kind never discovers the power they possess.
Whereby under-estimating their abilities and potentials to raise and tear down.
The power of a woman is undisputed and unimaginable.


What is destiny? Many times people confuse bad-decision making with destiny,
For me, destiny does not just happen, in as much as we believe in destiny as fate.
I think ones destiny depends on one's decision making.
You create your own destiny with what you have around you.
So when things starts happening to you, you know they were created by you through what you have done, consciously or unconsciously...