Saturday 7 April 2018

check mate

  Check mate

Check mate......

That's the word.

When it's down to submission,
That moment when nothing else matters,

when push comes to shove.

It's judgment....
And there are no second chances,
It's win or loose.....

The feeling goes either way,
it's regrets or happiness of getting it right.

You can't eat ur cake and have it back,
U made a choice.

No turning back the hands of time, tho u could have made a better choice.

But that would be for another day, on another opportunity which may never come.

Envision the end- game.

Make moves that count,
Don't waste ur moves on things that don't benefit the long run.

Ignore the temporary pleasure, it does not last.

Take care ( protect) of the king ( the principal and most important things) and every other thing would fall in place.

* As it is in CHESE game so it is in LIFE.

# Prontogroups


Broken ( pains changes people).

Mended, yet broken
Sane but insane

my sole companion
my biggest motivation

Am it's biggest fan
It's no stranger to me,

Daily reminds me how it feels,

it deserves to be felt,
the reason to give it attention

Got an ocean
Yet, got no fish

Two Kingdoms
Two lords

Tussles to own me

Lord1 want that I do his biding
But leaves me in my sh!t
Said I should be patient

Lord2 reminds me of how sh!tier my sh!t is gonna get if
"I don't take my destiny, by my hands"

Am a lost cause
Broken, but u will never know.

Sold my soul to the lights
and stages,
Possessed by the sound God
Condemned to the night

That sh!t comes with elevation tho,
once the beat drops.
