Thursday 26 March 2015

The Mind...

The mind is the seat of creation,  it controls our will power....
Everything that has come to existence began and was first created /existed in the mind...  The mind is the  mogul of our  personality ...
That's why it's so Important to program our mind for positivity alone...

There is no such thing as impossible..... It only becomes impossible to you when your mind says it  is...

And when you mind decides it almost impossible for you to improve the decision.... The is very vital to our success as humans and individuals...

For example...
Sickness : means the medical state of UN-wellness...
This happens a lot of times,  when you go to see your doctor.... And  the doctor tells you are sick of a certain kind of  disease....
Now the first thing  that would happen to you is you mind trying to interpret the News that the doctor just gave you.... And the response of your mind determines your the next thing you would say to the doctor,

Maybe prior to that moment you where perfect within... And feeling no form of down-ness, but as soon as your mind buys the idea that you are sick.... At that instant you start feeling uncomfortable.... (which was not before ).....

Now think about it this way.....
The word of God says for us to be anxious for nothing and that we have been made in the image and likeness of God...

One question you should ask is this : does God get sick?
The answer is no...  And bringing it to terms in our own perspective...
The word of God says that ye are gods..... Which means, we share the same trait with God for the fact that we were made in his image and likeness......
So if God does not get sick,  sickness doesn't exist.... It's only a trick the mind plays on us... To believe what is not as doe it is....
As he is so are we... We can't get sick...

I can't remember the last time I took a pill or saw a doctor.....
The mind is so powerful,  it brings to being....

Learn to use your mind to your advantage and you would be amazed at the wonders you would unlock......

Thursday 19 March 2015


#Wisdom  is a defence...
- just as the ransom for a man's life is his wealth , so also the ransom for a man's prosperity and progress is his wisdom .....

#get wisdom...
- and in all thy getting, get understanding.... For understanding precedes wisdom...
-but the package of all is knowledge....
Remember what you know is your #edge.....

-: we suffer defeat to discover success....

- anger is a success recipe ,
-anger on self is the best way to motivate your self...

#3 c's of life.....
- changes
- choices
- chances...

To get the best out of life,  you gotta manage  your  3c's of life very well...

To do that,  you gotta #focus....

* have a stronger #why than  # how..
* think of what you have...

#living by example....
* always practice what you preach... To avoid a bad conciense..
-The world belongs to the patient man....
- always choose patience over strength....
Don't paint a picture your not.... #always be yourself...

Never give up on what you love, can it's a source of happiness..

# transparency...
-people love dealing with transparent ones...
- transparency will earn you your fans....

#always believe...
-no limitations..
- no impossibility...

#forgive to receive forgiveness...
#give to receive...

- following instructions makes tasks easier...

#love unconditionally....

-you don't finish, if you don't get started....

-be ready at all times...

* never forget where your coming from... Cos it's gonna help you get to where your going....

#imAgination - most powerful asset...
-you seize to live when you seize to dream....

#the man makes the dream, and the dream makes the man....

-have a clear vision...
* vision sets a standard for you....

3 important virtue...
- love... (the greatest... )

To be continued......

Monday 16 March 2015

#GS records, presents... "PRONTO"....

Download, listen,  enjoy  ....and share.....
Album on the way.....
#commercialization needed.... #publicity...

Saturday 14 March 2015

#GS record label new logos

Wow.... Especially the first one.... Love it...
The new logos of the #God sons records....
A sub of the pronto groups inc....

Friday 6 March 2015

Life's definition

On 24th Nov 2014, precisely by 02:09am, pronto propounded a generally accepted definition of life.

Prior to this point,  life has no definite definition, but generally we usually say that living things /organisms are those things that have life in them.  But that still doesn't define "Life" as a word or a phenomenon...

Some would say that life is simply existence,  but looking at the word existence,  it does not suit life for a definition, knowing  that it is only living organisms  that exhibit life.  But existence is exhibited by both living and non-living  things...

Cos they all are in existence and interact with each other  " ecology " ..
So by the  knowledge of this,  it is unsuitable to define life as simple existence...  With the help of "Charles Darwin "  ....

Pronto was able to define life....

Now,  since  we know that it's only living  things that exhibit life,  and in their  quest of living, they  struggle to survive often in the presence of limited resources....
N:B : remember both implies to plants and animals as living organisms.....

Thus "life" can be defined as a competitive struggle to survive,  often in the presence of limited resources...

In other words, instead of saying that living organisms are those things that have life in them,  you can rightly put that....

" living organisms "  are those things /organisms in  competitive struggles to survive, often in the face of limited resources.....

Plants and animals mostly......

Watch out for my coming book on " what  is life "....
Hmmmmm..... Mind blowing....