Thursday 19 March 2015


#Wisdom  is a defence...
- just as the ransom for a man's life is his wealth , so also the ransom for a man's prosperity and progress is his wisdom .....

#get wisdom...
- and in all thy getting, get understanding.... For understanding precedes wisdom...
-but the package of all is knowledge....
Remember what you know is your #edge.....

-: we suffer defeat to discover success....

- anger is a success recipe ,
-anger on self is the best way to motivate your self...

#3 c's of life.....
- changes
- choices
- chances...

To get the best out of life,  you gotta manage  your  3c's of life very well...

To do that,  you gotta #focus....

* have a stronger #why than  # how..
* think of what you have...

#living by example....
* always practice what you preach... To avoid a bad conciense..
-The world belongs to the patient man....
- always choose patience over strength....
Don't paint a picture your not.... #always be yourself...

Never give up on what you love, can it's a source of happiness..

# transparency...
-people love dealing with transparent ones...
- transparency will earn you your fans....

#always believe...
-no limitations..
- no impossibility...

#forgive to receive forgiveness...
#give to receive...

- following instructions makes tasks easier...

#love unconditionally....

-you don't finish, if you don't get started....

-be ready at all times...

* never forget where your coming from... Cos it's gonna help you get to where your going....

#imAgination - most powerful asset...
-you seize to live when you seize to dream....

#the man makes the dream, and the dream makes the man....

-have a clear vision...
* vision sets a standard for you....

3 important virtue...
- love... (the greatest... )

To be continued......

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